How Does Smoking Affect Your Oral Health and Lead to Teeth Loss?

We remain unaware of how much important our teeth are for your overall health. The food and drink we take have a direct impact on our mind and body especially teeth because they are the first recipients of whatever we intake. If we don’t care for them and ignore visiting a good dentist such as Buffalo Grove, Illinois dentist, the dental issues can aggravate. You might have to spend a lot of money to get dental treatments. Smoking is one such habit that can lead to severe dental issues as mentioned below: 

Tooth discoloration 

One of the common problems that you may come across is tooth discoloration. If you have a habit of smoking one pack daily, you are likely to invite tooth discoloration very soon. The nicotine and tar start getting deposited in your mouth and teeth and eventually, fade the natural color of teeth. Moreover, it is not possible to eliminate them with a brush. You need to visit a dentist for a teeth-whitening procedure.

The healing process gets delayed

If there is an infection in your mouth, gums or teeth, the healing process will not occur at its pace. It is likely to get delayed because of the toxins deposited in your mouth. Moreover, these harmful substances reduce the oxygen in your blood, which is essential for potential healing. If you are a smoker and undergo dental procedures such as root canal, tooth extraction or dental implants, you will take much longer to heal than the non-smoker person. The healing process is quite slow for a regular smoker.

Risks of gum diseases

Smoking contributes a lot when it comes to gun diseases, which is the major reason for tooth loss in adults. Moreover, these dental issues worsen with time faster in smokers. If they undergo a dental procedure like dental implants, the success rate is quite slow. That’s why, dentists always suggest giving up smoking completely.

Severe dental issues

In many cases, if a person does not stop smoking, severe teeth and gum diseases start to occur. They may include bleeding gums, bad breath, tooth decay, gingivitis and even oral cancer.  Since the immune system of a person is already compromised, he will not be able to respond to the treatment in an effective manner.

Smoking can ruin your health and life at the same time. if you are unable to quit smoking, you must contact your health care provider and start exercising today!