How Does Nail Biting Damage Your Teeth? 

People have the habit of nail biting especially when they are nervous and feel anxious about any situation. There might be various reasons for nail-biting, but it is difficult for people to leave this habit and lead a healthy life especially when they have had this habit since childhood. However, what if we say that nail biting can lead to damage to your teeth? Have you ever thought of the notion that nail biting can severely impact your teeth? If not, then you must read this article.

In this article, we will discuss how nail biting can damage your teeth. If you are in Modesto, then you must consult an experienced dentist such as Modesto Lasik so that they can provide detailed professional guidance to your cause. 

How does nail biting damage your teeth? 

  • Nail biting is not a good habit, it can lead to various negative impacts on your teeth. It can lead to chipped and crooked teeth and also cause severe problems due to continuous erosion. Additionally, nail biting can also lead to vital damage to your teeth. 
  • Nail biting puts pressure on the jaw bones, and therefore, when there is continuous nail-biting, it can lead to shifting of teeth and jaw bones that can lead to malocclusion. If this habit continues, then there will be a requirement for some retainers or braces and therefore, it is better that you leave the nail-biting habit. 

  • There is a condition of root resorption in which the body’s immune system dissolves the tooth root structure and it leads to the loss of baby teeth. It mainly happens when excessive nail biting puts pressure on the teeth.  
  • Nail biting can leave bacteria in your mouth which will propagate the already existing bacteria in your teeth. 

Thus, it is very important that you get rid of such harmful habits and save yourself from any type of dental problem due to nail biting. When we bite our nails, the bacteria in the nails are sucked inside the mouth as there are hundreds of bacteria in one fingertip. Thus, it can lead to severe problems such as gingivitis or periodontitis. If left untreated, these gum problems can lead to severe issues and even result in tooth extraction. Therefore, you must avoid nail biting to keep your teeth healthy and safe from bacteria. However, if you have faced any issue due to nail biting, then it is better that you consult an experienced doctor and find a solution to your problems.