Common Services Included in Obstetrical Care

Obstetrical care includes all health services offered to women during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum. The professionals in this medical field aim to promote a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery. Obstetrical care Norman involves the management, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions that may arise during pregnancy to ensure you and your child are safe. You may have to change certain lifestyle habits and diet to promote successful pregnancy. Below are common services included in obstetrical care.

Routine checkups

You should start seeing your obstetrician during the sixth or eighth week of your pregnancy. If you do not have any complications or risk factors, the obstetrician can schedule appointments every week until the twenty-eighth week of your pregnancy. Then every two weeks until thirty-six weeks and once a week until delivery. During each checkup, your provider measures your weight and blood pressure. From week twenty-two of your pregnancy, your doctor will check whether your fetus is growing and developing normally.

Your doctor will take a urine sample to test for glucose and protein in one or two of your appointments. If you are at a high risk of gestational diabetes, doctors usually recommend glucose screening at twelve weeks of pregnancy. You are at a high risk of gestational diabetes if you previously had a baby that weighed more than nine pounds, have a family history of diabetes, or are obese.

Prenatal tests

Prenatal tests help your obstetrician detect things like congenital disabilities or fetal chromosomal issues. They are performed in the first, second, and third trimesters. Some prenatal tests only reveal the possibility of a problem, while others show specific issues. Common diagnostic tests performed during pregnancy include amniocentesis, CVS, and ultrasound.

Treatment of pregnancy complications

Obstetrical care treats existing conditions like diabetes and other health issues that may arise and can alter your pregnancy. Preeclampsia is a common condition that may arise during pregnancy. It causes fluid buildup in your body tissues, leading to swelling in your hands, feet, or face and protein in your urine. Rh incompatibility is another issue that may happen during pregnancy. Most women have Rh factor in the bloodstream, which is Rh positive. Women without the factor are Rh-negative. If your baby is Rh positive and you are Rh negative, an issue can develop when the baby’s blood cells enter your bloodstream. Your body can react by creating antibodies that may pass into the baby’s bloodstream and destroy red blood cells. These conditions need immediate medical care, but they are manageable.

Nutrition education and supplementation

Obstetricians recommend you add about three hundred calories to your daily intake to help nourish your developing baby. These calories should include high amounts of proteins. Also, include many fresh fruits, grains, and vegetables in your diet. Your obstetrician may prescribe a prenatal vitamin to ensure you have enough iron, calcium, and folic acid. Regular-low-impact exercises are also beneficial during pregnancy.

Obstetrical care promotes successful pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum. It involves many services, including routine checkups and tests, treatment of arising complications, prenatal visits, and nutrition education. Schedule an appointment at Women’s Healthcare of Norman for obstetrical care to ensure you deliver your child safely.