Common Dental Issues that Veneers Resolve

You are more likely to notice someone’s teeth the first time you see them. This goes a long way to show why it is important to ensure your teeth are healthy and beautiful. Unfortunately, dental issues like discoloration, misalignment, and gaps between your teeth can negatively affect the appearance of your smile. But San Leandro veneers can easily mask or cover different smile problems, such as:

Discolored teeth

Over time your teeth can develop surface stains due to the consumption of certain foods and drinks. Other times discoloration can develop due to tetracycline antibiotics or as your enamel wears off, exposing your dentin. Although professional whitening is effective at brightening your teeth, some stains don’t respond to teeth whitening. If you have tried whitening your teeth without good results, your dentist may suggest porcelain veneers. These thin, custom-made shells are bonded to the front surface of your natural teeth to hide the discoloration. Additionally, the dentist glazes the veneers, creating the smoothest, shiniest possible surface that is stain-resistant. Porcelain is less likely to stain than your tooth enamel or other dental materials.  


Gaps in your teeth can make you conscious about your smile and increase your chances of tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. Braces are a popular way to close gaps between teeth, but veneers are increasingly becoming a preferred option for adults. That is because veneers offer fast results and eliminate the inconvenience and unsightly appearance of wearing braces. Additionally, you don’t need to worry about wearing a retainer after removing your braces. Veneers can be shaped and adjusted to fit your mouth, meaning your dentist can create big enough ones to close gaps between teeth.

Mild crowding

Crowded teeth affect your appearance and house hidden bacteria, causing bad breath and increasing your risk of gum disease. If you have minor crowding, dental veneers may be a viable option to give you the appearance of straight teeth. Keep in mind that veneers are only suitable for minor crowding; if your teeth are severely crowded or crooked, your orthodontist will likely suggest orthodontic treatment, including Invisalign and other braces. To correct overcrowding, your provider will file down some of the enamel on your natural teeth and attach a porcelain veneer. The filing process allows your dentist to reshape and resize your teeth to appropriate portions.

Chipped, broken, or worn-out teeth

Your teeth can chip due to the weakening of your teeth’ strength over time or accidentally when you bite into something hard. Although many people seek to fix chipped teeth due to aesthetic concerns, a chipped tooth can cause further damage. You can protect the natural tooth from further damage by covering it with a veneer. The additional material layer also strengthens your tooth, allowing you to use it as you would normally. If you have one broken tooth, you can fix it using a veneer, but if you want to create an even symmetrical smile, you can get between four and eight veneers per arch.

Teeth that are too small

Some teeth develop in shapes or sizes that don’t align with the rest of the smile. For most people, these are the teeth on both sides of the front teeth (lateral incisors); they can be smaller than usual or shaped like a small peg. Veneers offer an excellent solution to reshape and resize abnormal teeth.

If you have any dental imperfection, consult your doctor at Davidson Dental Group to establish if veneers are the appropriate treatment.