Collagen induction, known as microneedling, is a skin rejuvenation treatment used to treat various unpleasant skin disorders. There are two types of microneedling therapies: those that use platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and those that do not.  Collagen is the major protein in the body responsible for the structure of every organ’sContinue Reading

Surrogacy can be an immensely fulfilling experience for intended parents and surrogate mothers. A chance at parenthood is very rewarding for new parents, and being able to provide such a loving experience is extremely satisfying for a gestational carrier. Although surrogacy can result in happy and loving moments, it canContinue Reading

Neurology is a branch of medicine that deals with nervous system disorders. The peripheral nerves, spinal cord, and brain make up the nervous system of the human body. The term neurology comes from the Latin and Greek word ‘neurologia’ where ‘neuro’ refers to ‘nerves’ or ‘the nervous system,’ and ‘logia’Continue Reading

To put a stop to a runny nose, it’s important to identify the underlying cause. A mild runny nose due to cold usually improves with rest and staying hydrated, whereas a persistent runny nose caused by allergies might require medication. This article provides information about both home remedies and medicationsContinue Reading