Pain, instability, and swelling in any joint can limit your daily activities and routine. While common injuries occur in your knee and shoulder joints, you can injure your hips, wrists, and neck. That said, a West Chester orthopedic surgeon can help you regain strength, stability, and function of the affectedContinue Reading

You are more likely to notice someone’s teeth the first time you see them. This goes a long way to show why it is important to ensure your teeth are healthy and beautiful. Unfortunately, dental issues like discoloration, misalignment, and gaps between your teeth can negatively affect the appearance ofContinue Reading

Weight management involves changing your lifestyle to maintain a healthy body weight. It consists of monitoring your food intake, seeking support from your loved ones and weight loss programs, and developing positive behaviors and attitudes towards food and exercise. By combining the following weight management Lady Lake strategies, you canContinue Reading

Missing teeth can affect how you speak, smile, or chew. Also, missing teeth can negatively affect your self-confidence and quality of life. You may lose one or more teeth due to numerous factors, such as an infection, an accident, or dental decay. Fortunately, Apple Dental offers dental implants to replaceContinue Reading

Full mouth reconstruction, also known as full mouth restoration, involves extensive dental treatments to address numerous problems, such as broken teeth, cavities, decaying teeth, or missing teeth. You may require full mouth reconstruction Encino if your teeth are badly damaged due to trauma or injury, including from sporting activities. FullContinue Reading